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CONy 2023

Danube Newsletter No.33

The new 33rd Danube Neurology Newsletter available now.

WFN/AFAN e-Learning Day 2021: Epilepsy

The 2nd Annual WFN/AFAN E-Learning Day a free virtual educational programme that provides outstanding training to healthcare providers all over Africa and beyond. During the programme, renowned neurologists will discuss epilepsy epidemiology, management, diagnostics, clinical approaches, and more. The program is designed for healthcare professionals and will beheld in English, with some French options provided.
The event being held on Saturday, November 6th, 2021 from 08.00 – 16.15 GMT.

CONy 2022

Special Accouncement

Dear Colleagues,
Let me invite All of You to join us at the International Danube Sessions during 24th National Meeting of the Polish Neurological Society (15.09.2021 -18.09.2021).
Free Access Code
the following link will be active during live sessions
please copy and paste into your browser address site
Opening Ceremony (Wednesday; 15th of September at 18:00-20:00; CET)
Prof. Claudio Bassetti (Switzerland): Welcome from the EAN President

Danube Neurology Newsletter No.32

The new 32nd Danube Neurology Newsletter available now.

Danube Newsletter 31

The new 31st Danube Neurology Newsletter available now.

Virtual CONy, October 29 - November 1, 2020

The 52nd Danube Symposium postponed to 2021

Dear Colleagues,

The Polish Neurological Society and the Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences acknowledge that COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) has created disruption in the world. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our delegates. To this effect, the Scientific Committee have decided to postpone 24th Congress of The Polish Neurological Society and the 52nd Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences to September 22nd-25th 2021. We want to assure that the whole programme frame will be kept the same and we would very much like to uphold your kind acceptance to be our Guest and to participate in the Congress and the Danube Symposium as was agreed in previous arrangements.

Prof. Konrad Rejdak – President-Elect of PNS
Prof. Jarosław Sławek – President od PNS
Prof. László Vécsei - General Secretary of Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences


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