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"Call for Abstracts" is open till 15 March 2018 – DANUBE Neurology Symposium 2018, Hungary

Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the Scientific Committee we invite you to submit an abstract and / or attend the 50th International Danube Neurology Symposium to be held in Debrecen, Hungary 8-9 June 2018.

We greatly appreciate a lot of poster presentations abstract submissions around the world for our coming Congress in Hungary.

The Abstract submission form can be downloaded from our Symposium website downloads menu. We would like to raise your attention that only this submission form will be accepted:

Sending your Abstract
Send your abstract to Symposium Secretariat:

The subject must contain the acronym of the following: DANUBE - 18/ ABSTRACT



All participants wishing to attend the conference should register!

by 31 March 2018 from 01 April 2018

Participants 200.- € 250.- €

In accordance with the Hungarian tax regulations, invoices will show the full registration fees (excluding day ticket) divided into registration costs and catering costs (40.- € ).

Registration fees for participants includes:

- Admission to all scientific sessions

- Admission to the Welcome Reception on 08th June 2018

- Admission to the trade exhibition

- Congress material (final program etc.)

- Coffee breaks

- Lunches on 8th and 9th June 2018

Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.

We would like to offer you the following hotels with the special prize for the Symposium:

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